Begin your fitness journey with fit.Start(bodyweight)

No gym required, workouts delivered every month


No gym? No problem. With fit.Start(bodyweight), you'll get constant workouts that you can do from anywhere — including your home. You'll learn to maximize your own body to get the most of each workout.

  • Difficulty level: Beginner
  • No gym required
  • 3 workouts per week + recommended morning walks
  • Workout time: 30-45 minutes
  • Included nutrition guide with multiple types of diets so you can pick the best one for you (vegan & vegetarian friendly)
  • Workouts delivered to your inbox every month
  • Access to our private Slack community of other developers getting fit

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fit.Start(bodyweight) Subscription

Includes workouts and nutrition details delivered via email each month. Also includes access to our private Slack Community where you can ask questions and get help.


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You should receive your first month's workouts within an hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is fit.Start(bodyweight) different from your other plans?

fit.Start(bodyweight) is designed for beginners, and is an affordable approach to helping developers start their fitness journey (or ease back into it). The emphasis of this program is building functional strength and mobility.

Is a gym required?

Nope! You can do these workouts from anywhere!

What will the workouts be like? Will they be hard?

The workouts will mostly be centered around building functional strength (strength you can actually use in real life) vs just being strong for strength's sake. We will aim to also emphasize mobility (range of motion you can actively use), which will make you less prone to injury both during the workouts and in your daily life.

The workouts will be challenging, but nothing you can't handle! Even if you are unable to finish a workout, we design the programming in a way that you can still benefit from the work you did do. Don't worry about whether you'll finish a workout or not — the most important thing right now is that you start.

How many days per week will I be working out?

You'll have workouts 3 days per week. Each workout should take you less than an hour.

What kind of equipment will I need?

All exercises will be bodyweight movements, so the only required equipment is your own body!

We may recommend you pick up a couple of things (such as a kettlebell or foam roller), but don't worry if you don't have a gym membership.

What kind of nutrition details do you provide?

When you sign up, you'll get access to our Nutrition Guide, which contains a few different approaches to nutrition so you can pick the one that's right for you. We may periodically update the guide with new information and recipes, and you'll always be able to access the latest version!

You'll also have access to our private Slack Community, so you can always discuss your diet with other members and ask questions (our #nutrition channel is really helpful).

Can I cancel if it doesn't work out for me?

Absolutely. Simply shoot us and email or a message on Slack and we'll cancel your membership.

How is DevLifts different from hiring a personal trainer?

Only in the ways it needs to be.

Less expensive. Thad works as a traditional private trainer for his day job, and his lowest-paying client still racks up a $360/month bill.

No chaperones. We get that it can be uncomfortable having someone look over your shoulder and chit-chatting while you’re trying to work out. That’s another beauty of DevLifts: all the expertise of a certified personal trainer — without the trainer.

Community. Benefit from a community of like-minded developers who are on this journey with you. We haven’t met any personal trainers with membership forums or Slack channels.